Nobody wants to manage a hacked website. It is annoying, dangerous, and inefficient in terms of time. But, it does have one advantage which is – protecting the website is not complicated.
There are multiple steps that can help secure the website like signing up for HTTPS, updating any software, and limiting login attempts. This guide provides a delivery of the best practices that focus on web security while also making sure that running your business is smooth.
Let’s start the journey.
Use HTTPS for Secure Data Transmission
If your website still operates using HTTP, now is the time to change. HTTPS will ensure it is more secure than it ever has been previously. There is so much information that is transferred between the website and visitors, it’s time to protect that from theft or manipulation. Without protection, hackers have the ability to intercept crucial information such as passwords, credit card details, or other personal information.
Switching to HTTPS is incredibly easy. To get HTTPS, you require an SSL certificate which can be obtained from a hosting provider, or free services like “Let’s Encrypt”. Once an SSL certificate is installed, all data is encrypted making it impossible for hackers to pry into sensitive files.
On top of protecting sensitive information, HTTPS also improves SEO. Search engines tend to favor website security. As an added bonus, browsers flag unsecured sites which in turn makes visitors leave the site.
So if someone hasn’t made the switch yet, the time is now.
A slight modification can yield excellent results. Software that is not up-to-date poses a massive security risk software that is outdated frequently serves as loopholes for hackers. Managing a website on WordPress or any CMS Framework has its benefits, such as the ability to update themes and plugins easily. Outdated software also exists on a plethora of websites managing legacy programs. A system that is devoid of updates serves as an open field for cyber criminals to manipulate and have unrestricted access to sensitive data. For a multitude of ransom purposes. Preventable issues like these stem from outdated software. For CMS frameworks, these updates frequently fix issues that hackers can use to exploit. These updates frequently resolve certain weaknesses or vulnerabilities that system hackers try to exploit the system or platform. Managing a website without One Point Security Software is extremely client sensitive software and challenging for the owner. The good news is updating is not a difficult to management system and is extremely user friendly. Software platforms like these, the user has the option to set up automated software updates. In a scenario where your website gets hacked, always make sure that critical data is backed up Updating CMS Software has a plethora of perks, with the biggest advantage being that the users now have the option of having completely customized and managed virtual machines. Moving forward, aiming Software Updates saves a plethora of resources and time in the future. So, don’t put it off – protect yourself by managing everything frequently. Weak passwords have single handedly served as the easiest route for hackers to target sensitive data. Keeping burning passwords such as “admin123” or “123456” only makes breaks a simple website frequently. A strong password is your first line of defense. Strong passwords served to be complex, lengthy combinations of letters, digits, and symbols used for sensitive platforms.
What are the Features of a Strong Password?
A Strong Password consists of the following characteristics complete phrases with preconceived areas 12-16 characters long alone is recognized:
Symbol mix uppercase and lowercase letters numbers And letters.
Patterns that is phrases Such as “123456” or “qwerty” or slices our systems into recognizable words.
Every accounts needs a unique password Uniform passwords across all sites is never ideal.
Never abuse sites, put them into extremes without aid of a password manager to save and guarantee them.
What is the point of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)?
A two factor authenticator works best alongside a strong password, and strong password strategies enables protection from strategies haters, breaches and phishing. With 2FA, two steps are required to log into a certain site or program, A traditional password set in stone, and a user generated code that is sent to either a mobile phone or email, or produced by an authenticator application and laid on the table.
Google, WordPress and other social programs offer 2FA, just have to switch it your security preferences. This makes trespassing sites almost impossible for hackers, even with a gained password level.
Implement it right away.
Adjust previously set passwords, remove the guess work and mold them to be unique now,at long sight . Do not forget password handlers with a built in recognition of numbers and letters. On the rest forgotten sites social networks user friendly implement Two Factor Authentification.
Limit Login Attempts to Prevent Brute Force Attacks
Hackers will attempt to log into specific websites repeatedly using multiple passwords until they get access. This is called a brute force attack, and if there are truly no limits to how many times one can attempt to log in, these users can keep trying until they succeed.
The easy fix is to impose limits on the number of attempts to log in. This would mean after a specific number of wrong attempts, a user would be temporarily locked out. This helps in preventing hackers from making unlimited attempts.
Setting It Up
Most content managing systems such as WordPress have this option disabled by default, but it can be enabled:
Utilize a security WordPress plugin to limit logins.
Set the limit to 3-5 failed attempts before being temporarily locked out.
Enable CAPTCHAs to prevent bots from trying random combinations.
Changing the Default Login Page URL.
Use a custom URL at the end like “” which attackers would not be able to find easily.
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) – Even if someone knows your password, they will not be able to log in without the second step.
Keeping track of attempts – Certain plugins help you keep track of users attempting to log in and block any attempts made from suspicious accounts.
A few small changes can grant your site added protection from hackers, which is essential considering how frequently data breaches take place.
Establish Regular Backups
No matter how secure your website is, so many things can go wrong. A hardworking employee could delete sensitive data from the site, hackers may breach your server, or even an unexpected server crash could take place. Moreover, backups are arguably the most effective way to prevent data loss.
How Frequently Ensure Data Backups?
The frequency of data backup is correlated with how often you update or change the content of your website.
– Daily backups: Best suited for business websites, blogs, or online stores that receive constant traffic.
– Weekly backups: Best suited for most corporate websites that do not change frequently and are relatively static.
– Real-time backups: Arguably the best form of data backup, this is best suited for eCommerce stores where every second is essential.
Where Should You Keep Your Backup?
Do not retain backups exclusively on the server of your website. Doing so may lead to massive losses if the server crashes. Therefore, you should:
Place duplicates on cloud storage like Google Drive, Dropbox, or even on a dedicated backup service.
Retain a copy on your computer’s hard drive or an external hard drive.
Utilize a backup service that can save files automatically in several locations.
How to Automate Backups
Keeping a manual backup of your site once a day is not practical. With this in mind, you can use a backup plugin or even a hosting service that has a built-in backup feature. Some options you can trust are:
UpdraftPlus (if you are using WordPress)
Jetpack Backup
Backup option provided by your host.
A Backup Is Only Useful If It Works
Your backups should never be out of reach. Once in a while, restore a backup on a develop site to make sure it is functioning and all information is saved.
Backing up the entire website can take a few minutes. However, the rewards are far greater as it saves you an enormous amount of valuable work. Set it up and know that you won’t lose any data.
Find a Trustworthy Hosting Company
The provider of your hosting service determines how secure your website is. All of the precautionary steps you take such as choosing complex passwords, installing software updates, and implementing firewalls will count for very little if your hosting provider is not reliable. If you have a substandard host, your website will be vulnerable to attacks, experience frequent downtimes, or even lose important data.
What Makes a Hosting Provider Secure?
Automatic Security Updates – Your provider must be updating their servers to fix existing vulnerabilities. Otherwise, your site is in danger.
Daily Backups – You will require a hosting provider that does regular backups in case something goes wrong, allowing you to restore your site with clicks.
DDoS Protection – Some hooks try to take down your site by inundating it with traffic. A good host will prevent this from happening.
SSL Certificate Support – SSL helps eliminate data threats by keeping your visitor’s information safe. Your host should simplify the installation and renewal of SSL certificates.
Built-in Firewalls & Malware Scanning – They offer additional defense against potential hackers and malware.
Fast and Reliable Support – You will need a reliable provider who can assist you promptly after the attack or in case of a crash.
Which Type of Hosting Is Right For You?
Shared Hosting: Shared hosting is the most affordable option, however you are sharing a server with other sites which can get your account compromised.
Managed Hosting: Managed hosting is more expensive but comes with automatic updates, enhanced security, as well as professional assistance.
Dedicated Hosting or VPS – Allows complete management of your server, stronger security, more personalized IT resources, but proficiency is needed.
Final Thought
Avoid the cheapest host. Reliable and secure hosting may be a few extra dollars each month, but the headaches it will save you from in the future make it worth it. Think about it, with a reliable host provider your site would be secured from the start.
Use a WAF (Web Application Firewall)
During a website breach using malware, bots, or brute force attacks can be executed the search is perpetual. A Web Application Firewall (WAF) acts as a protective layer of security that blocks almost all malicious actions before they get the chance to reach your site. It removes all harmful requests, blocks evil bots, and defends the system from basic attacks like SQL injections and Cross Site Scripting.
Why WAF is Necessary?
Preemptive Attack Blocking- Rather than taking the necessary actions after the damage, a WAF remedy’s the situation before the attack happens.
Protection Against Bots and Hackers- Automated attacks ranging from spam bots to SQL injections are all targeted weak points in your system. A WAF resolves the issue before it has the chance to happen.
Decreased Server Load-Bots and Hackers not only target your system but they use up vast amounts of resources and bandwidth to do so. Unwanted traffic is both filtered out and blocked while WAF secures your system.
WAF serves as an added protection layer. Other protective measures are still effective, however, with a WAF in place it is significantly more effective.
How to Set Up a WAF
Configuring a WAF is effortless. Several security providers have firewalls that can be set up with ease, such as:
Cloudflare: Excellent for threat blocking and improving the speeds of your site. Offers both free and paid options.
Sucuri: A decent choice that comes with DDoS protection as well as malware scans.
Wordfence (for users of WordPress): Adds a WAF to your site in the form of a plugin.
Final Thoughts
One of the easiest ways to ensure the security of your site from cyber threats is through a WAF. It operates seamlessly on the backend and battles the threats before irreparable damage is done. If you haven’t set one up as of yet, now is the perfect time. Such a simple precaution could save you from immense security risks in the future.
Scan for Malware and Vulnerabilites on a Regular Basis
Even the safest website can fall at risk. Hackers work relentlessly in trying to find vulnerabilities in outdated software, insecure plugins, or even hidden weaknesses. Which is exactly why malware scans and security checks on a routine basis are so crucial. Identifying threats before they escalate into serious problems is important, and security checks can do just that.
Why Is There A Need To Conduct Regular Security Scans
Concealed Malware: Some hacks are easier to identify than others. Concealed malware damages data without the user even being aware.
Prevent Data Breaches: A small gap can leak crucial data that can risk the safety of both your company and clients.
Stay Ahead of Hackers: Checking for any vulnerabilities allows you to mitigate any security issues before an attacker finds out.
Avoid Blacklisting: Sites embedded with malware can get blocked by Google which will ultimately result in loss of credibility and site visits.
How to Scan Your Website for Threats
Security tools will make it easier as you will not have to do anything manually. Here are some reliable options:
Sucuri- A tool that checks for malware, security issues, and blacklisting status.
Wordfence (for wordpress users) – Examine themes, plugins, and core files for weaknesses.
MalCare – A tool that provides in depth scanning and remote malware deletion services.
Hosting Provider’s Security Tools – A lot of web hosting providers now have embedded malware scanning features.
Best Practices For Staying Secure
Schedule scans – Perform a comprehensive security check at the minimum once every week.
Fix issues immediately – Make sure you resolve the problems as soon as they come to your attention.
Delete unused plugins and themes – Old, inactive files can be a security risk.
Employ a website monitoring facilitiy- Some software let you know in real time for any activity that seems suspicious.
Your Automated Assistant
You know how to keep your online website secure. Now, eliminate the worry with a single click. Set up automatic scans so that you can stay ahead of security threats. This will not only keep your website secure, but also give you peace of mind.
Edit User Restrictions and Permissions
Most of the people who are tasked with managing your website do not need complete access. By allowing a large number of individuals admin access, you greatly heighten the chances of committing errors, breaches, or even malicious destruction. By setting reasonable user permission levels, you drastically decrease the risk level.
Why Access Restriction is Important
Stops Mistakes with Access Outdoors – Users who do not have sufficient knowledge can unwittingly make mistakes and break your website.
Eliminating Unapproved Changes – Users mistakenly granted Admin accessibility of the account can make detrimental changes and even delete
Confine Safety Breaches – Your site is secure, but should the worse happen, a hacker getting their hands on a lower level account would greatly reduce the risk.
Control Access to Important Data – Not all employees require access to customer payment details or sensitive information.
Control User Access with Restrictions
Always bear in mind the ‘least sufficient restriction’ principle (PoLP) as you grant access. This ensures your users have sufficient permission without undermining your security.
Utilize Distinct User Roles – Most systems have some kind of roles like:
Administrator – Have complete access to everything (one other user can use this role if fully trusted otherwise shouldn’t).
Editor – Can work with content but not with certain configurations of site.
Author – Has the permission to create and publish his or her content.
Subscriber/User – This is the most limited role that only allows viewing certain information or items.
Conduct Periodic Audits on User Roles – In the circumstance that a role is not useful, delete the account and if there is a promotion or change in the person’s role, change the permission as well.
Enable Two Factor Authentication (2FA) – This security measure helps to avoid unauthorized logins, even when there’s limited access to the account.
Final Thought
By granting access to multiple people can be a terrible security threat. Keeping these permissions in check ensures protection to your website against any unwanted disturbances or intrusions. Spend a couple minutes today analyzing user roles so that you are not faced with issues down the line.
Watch for Vulnerabilities in Website Usage Patterns
Catching issues before they escalate is possible as long as you keep your website monitored. Because hackers are more stealthy and discrete, focusing on smaller yet equally dangerous matters such as constantly trying to get access or installing harmful applications, having close and constant monitoring is important. By doing so, you can construct barriers to further damage to your website.
Why Monitoring Is Important
Stopping Unauthorized Access: Users seeking to hack your website will sometimes make fake login attempts. Unusual user login patterns is an indicator that someone is trying to attack your website.
Detect Unexpected Activities: At some point hackers, tend to change site settings, create counterfeit administrator accounts, and even modify files.
Restrict the Proliferation of Malware: Attaching damaging activity suspisciously can do significantly less with catching it earlier.
Discover Activities Performed by Users: Tracking user actions becomes substantially easier if a lot of people are managing your website.
How to Observe Your Site
Install an Activity Log Plugin: Applications like Sucuri and WP Activity Log for log file changes, log in, etc., are great for people with WordPress sites.
Create Email Notifications: There are many new security instruments that let you know when there is abnormal user activity like unusual spikes in traffic or new accounts being created.
Review Server Logs: Every request made to the site can be referred through the logs and a lot of hosting providers provide this information.
Examine Site Traffic Using Google Analytics: Bots or hackers focusing their targets on your site is evidenced by an unexpected spike in traffic from unknown locations.
Set Restrictions on Admin Accounts: Monitoring behaviors that appear suspicious becomes a lot easier with a limited amount of people with unrestricted access.
Controlling access logs, file alterations, and traffic can provide you with useful patterns that can keep the website secure. This goes beyond providing protection – it enables the monitoring of event logs. Control enables early detection issues with the website, so set up monitoring today then you can know exactly what is going on behind the curtains.
Maintaining security on a website is highly dependent on some measures. The fundamental precautions to take are backing up data, using HTTPS, securing your software, setting up strong passwords, all of which greatly minimize potential risks.
You do not have to implement all strategies simultaneously. Still, having knowledge concerning these factors will allow you to make better decisions about the security of your site. Whether it be a partial implementation or complete, the trick is to remain alert and ready. Ultimately, this effort will pay off in the long run.